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tv   News at 5pm  FOX  September 27, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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mr. i. he also grew up attending schools in this community. >> it is always a shock. the superintendent says the initial report came into school officials early this week and that is when they alerted police. a letter went out to parents yesterday. >> everyone is devastated. >> reporter: we are about to head into the meeting to observe. one thing that will be discussed is that the students will be redistributed to other classrooms. cara liu, ktvu channel 2 news. a girl is in critical condition after she was struck by an suv this afternoon. it happened on novato boulevard and sandy creek way at 3:00 p.m. and in the last few minutes we have confirmed the 11-year-old girl was riding a bike when she was hit by a white suv. the driver pulled over after
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the crash and talking with police. this video shows the skid marks left behind by the suv. we learned the girl was thrown 100 feet. she was airlifted to a hospital and in critical condition. we also learned the girl moved to the neighborhood with her family a few weeks ago. police ditch patcher is on leave following arrest for drug position. he was arrested last night at her home. investigators say they found a small amount of methamphetamine and other drugs. she worked for the police department for 21 years. yosemite national park announced today it will offer voluntary testing for the hantavirus to all employees. the statement department launched a pilot program testing 100 employees. 9 visitors have been infected, 3 have died and tens of
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thousands of other people have been warned about the virus. there are no reports of park employees coming down with hantavirus. two oakland schools were on lock down. the suspect was wanted in connection with an assault and believed armed. officers followed the man. he fled into yards and was captured after a two our search. police are not releasing his name or anymore information about him. this fran authorities released the name of a man shot to death. edwards was shot last night as he got into a car minutes after leaving an apartment. officers say the victim stayed in the neighborhood. police do not have a motive. in san francisco one crime has gone up, the theft of cell phone account for half of all
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of the robberies in the city this year. ktvu's patty lee is in one san francisco neighborhood that has been hit especially hard. patty? >> folks in this neighborhood can't stop talking about an incident that involves the theft of an ipad yesterday. the suspects in that case have been arrested but we found out this may not be their first time. >> reporter: this warns students about a cell phone robbery yesterday afternoon. the description of the suspects similar to the men arrested yesterday for stealing an ipad. the description of the vehicles in both incidents are similar. a silver muraidies benz-- mercedes-benz. police would not discuss the specifics but according to the san francisco police
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department, there have been 200- 0374 robberies -- 2,374 robberies. 1,199 have involved cell phones. >> we realized this is reaching epidemic proportions. >> reporter: she was beaten up last month. her cell phone stolen. she was also targeted. incidents that took seconds but will stay with them forever. >> people are walking around, being targets. you wouldn't walk around with $500 cash in your hands but we do that with our phones. >> reporter: today she said her experience has motivated her to start a public service announcement campaign and her employer is funding the efforts. we will have details on that coming up on the ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00 p.m. reporting live in san francisco, patty lee, ktvu channel 2 news. a pedestrian bridge is set
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to open in san jose tomorrow where a train killed a toddler in 2005. the walkway crosses over monterey road and the tracks. the boy was under the care of a babysitter's friend who was trying to get three kids across the tracks. the mother is scheduled to speak that ribbon cutting ceremony tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. it is considered a step forward for cal train that could ease the ride for high- speed rail. ktvu's ann rubin is live now. >> reporter: with the millions of dollars releasedleased officials say passengers will reap the benefits. >> reporter: they are about to get cleaner, safer and smarter.
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>> that is the first step in modernizing cal train. >> reporter: the brains, a new signal system. it can help prevent collisions and enforce speed restrictions and optimize the number of trains per hour. >> one of the most significant factors is the traffic relief on the highways. >> reporter: the transportation commission released $40 million for the project today. officials have a total of 1.5 billion allocated. the goal, to have electric rains by 2019. >> this is the first step in letting the train go through here. >> reporter: this will prepare them to be blended with high- speed rail someday. >> this is the foundation. i think this is the first step. >> reporter: some call this a monument to foolishness. he said there isn't the money
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to see high-speed rail through. >> show me the money. >> reporter: this first phase will create 9600 jobs with a benefit to the area of $2.5 billion. some riders say they are all for it. >> i ride the train a lot, making it safer is a great thing to do. >> reporter: passengers will notice changes when the signal upgrades begin next year. the electric trains won't run till 2019. ann rubin, ktvu channel 2 news. two lawmakers are calling for a special hearing in the wake of the chevron refinery fire. the fire at the chevron refinery sent thousands to the hospital and injured three employees. they say more needs be dune protect public health and safety. lawmakers must look at whether government regulations are
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working. campbell soup is closing its plant in sacramento next july and laying off hundreds of workers. the plant opened in 1947 and is the oldest of their 4 u.s. plants. but with the decline in the popularity of canned soups, they made the difficult decision to close the plant in sacramento. >> it made it clear the real issue is the lack of demand. people are not buying soup. in the same amounts that they have in prior years. >> one research firm said over all canned soup consumption is down 13%. the number of people who applied for unemployment benefits plunged. that is a hopeful sign for the job market. claims dropped to 399,000.
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that is the lowest level in 9 weeks. the number of people collecting also fell by 4,000 4,000 to 2.3 million. on wall street, the dow is up 72 to 13,485. the s&p is up 13 to 1,447. the nasdaq is up 42 at 3,136. mortgage rates dropped to record lows this week. the average rate on a 30 year loan dropped to 3.4%, down from 3.49% last week. a 15 year mortgage that also hit a record low, dropped to 2.73%. they are the lowest rates going back to 1971. coming up, a woman goes to washington to take on one of the largest lenders in the nation, the reason her trip could be considered a success. a poll finds california
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voters to be ambivalent on how government should deal with illegal immigration. 67% support allowing illegal immigrants to have a path to citizenship if they meet certain requirements. 13% say deport all. 79% of democrats support a path to citizenship, 47% of republicans say it should be the government's policy. a court judge has put a lawyer in a stuff spot. the judge wanted to know why the government stopped defending the marriage act last year while the courts were deciding the constitutionallality. he -- constitutionality. the law prohibits the government from recognizing
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same-sex same-sex marriages when federal benefits are at stake. bruce bochy put an end to melky cabrera's season today. he would not be on the post season roster during the playoffs. last month he was suspended following a positive drug test. the man behind a anti- muslim film has been arrested. los angeles deputies questioned nakoula basseley nakoula earlier this month. authorities say he violated the terms of his probation on check fraud. they required him to stay away from computers. his hearing today was closed to the public. we have an update on a san francisco firefighter battling
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breast fire, how she is doing and what the fire department is doing for her. >> and back here, look at that marine layer, squished down, things heat up around here, i will let you know how much warmer it will be as we go into the weekend. card hassles?
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introducing chase liquid. the reloadable card that's easy to activate and can be used right away. plus, you can load cash or checks
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at any chase depositfriendly atm and checks right from your smartphone. get rid of prepaid problems. get chase liquid. . the spot of san francisco's last occupy encampment is clear of protesters tonight. police moved in last night after giving an order to disperse. 45 people were arrested. following that public works moved into clean up. some workers say the camp was a magnet for the homeless. >> it is dirty down there. and people are using this for their home. i don't mind people protesting but it can't be your permanent
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residence. >> it is now fenced off. it will be used by construction crews doing street repairs. google turned 14 today. they have a animated drawing of a cake that transforms into the google logo. two grad students started working on google while in college. google stock was up today. a gain of $3.04. governor jerry brown approved a law to ban employers from demanding social media passwords from their employees. the laws apply to california companies, colleges and universities. they are designed to stop a trend of outsiders accessing their accounts.
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amnesty international claims solitary confinement is cruel and inhumane. 3,000 inmates are being held in extreme isolation, with no fresh air or natural light for years and decades. they say california prisons are violating international standards. but correctional officials disagree. >> we follow the national model. >> officials say the conditions are based on the inmate's behavior to protect other inmates. the two prisons listed are pelican bay and corber state prison. authorities raided 2 dozen homes in a marijuana bust in the north bay. 150 law enforcement officers carried out the raid yesterday morning. participating agencies included the fbi and ingrations and
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customs enforcement. authorities say 300 plants were seized. the threne -- 13 people were arrested. an update on a story you saw here on ktvu channel 2 news. san francisco fire yesterday underwent a double mastectomy. we reported on how the department said her condition was not life threatening and wouldn't allow her to receive donated sick time from her fellow firefighters. the head of the union said she will receive workers compensation benefits. crews have a wildfire in san diego county surrounders. they contained the -- surrounded. they contained the fire that destroyed 11 homes and 14 outbuildings. earlier this week a 69-year-old man was found dead in his home.
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the cause is under investigation. let's talk about our weather, we haven't talked about fire danger here in the bay area. but it may change? >> yeah. it will heat up. not looking for a red flag warning. with temperatures into the mid- 90s over the weekend, fire always a concern, but with the temperatures more so. we will get to that. let's go outside. fog at the coast down to the low deck of the bay bridge. really shallow. that is why it is having trouble getting up over the hills. see there. that is as far as it is getting. it pushes inland tonight. we have a weather system to the north of us. big weather system. that is where that goes. for us high pressure dominates over the next few days. what that means is sinking air, off shore winds, and drier air and warmer air.
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we have this pattern conducive to high fire danger. antioch, 93. 94 fairfield. concord, 77. you can see just east of the bay area, that is where the sheet. tomorrow the heat comes this way more. napa, concord. not 80s but upper 80s and low 90s. tomorrow is a warmer day. forecast for the weekend, continued warming. over night lows chilly. but nice. neat time of year. nice mild nights, beautiful evenings. not too cold in the mornings and beautiful afternoon temperatures. what i like, the days are getting shorter. which is nice. fog forecast. there it is. patchy at best. high pressure is doing damage to it.
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as the high comes in, compresses it. presses it down and goes away. that is where we are heading tomorrow. patchy fog when you wake up tomorrow morning. you will have plenty of clearing in the afternoon hours. you see the model bears that out. today at -- warmer for the weekend. high fire danger increasing. i am back here and we will get specific. i will get specific with the forecast highs. very tough talk today from the p.m. of israel. the strong message he was trying to get across with the help of this diagram. >> and the future of the city college of san francisco is up in the air, the changes that will be discussed tonight that could keep it from losing accreditation.
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now these politicians say unless we send more tax dollars to sacramento, they'll cut education again. here's a new approach. prop thirty-eight sends billions in new education dollars straight to our local schools, and guarantees the politicians can't touch it. thirty-eight will restore the education cuts from sacramento. so remember this number. thirty-eight.
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. san francisco criticate mass -- critical mass turns 23 this week. ktvu's david stevenson is live in san francisco with what is expected to be a huge turn out for the monthly ride tomorrow night and the effect it could have. >> reporter: they usually get as many as 500 rides for their month -- riders for their monthy event but tomorrow they are expecting 2,000 and drivers are not so thrilled about that celebration. >> reporter: they are rolling into san francisco from around
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the country and around the world to celebrate the 20th anniversary. >> if you were biking you were harassed. >> reporter: they take over the streets on the last friday of the month. >> the idea is not that it is a protest, it is a community. >> >> reporter: today 75,000 people, 3.5% of commuters use bikes each day in san francisco. >> they get in your way. they go in between traffic. >> reporter: 2000 are expected for friday. bad news for motorist who complain of congestion and clashes with bicyclist. >> there is a small percentage who don't know how to behave in
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public. >> if you could avoid driving tomorrow, great. but if you are caught up in the event, remain patient. >> reporter: it kicks off on justin herman plaza tomorrow night at 6:00 p.m. and it includes children riding this year. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson ktvu channel 2 news. israeli p.m. said today iran is dangerously close do developing a nuclear capability and he says the world must act. >> i believe that faced with a clear red line iran will back down. and this will give more time for sanctions to convince iran to dismantthal program all -- mantle the program all together. >> he held up a diagram to
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illustrate his claim that iran is 70% of the way. >> shockingly some people begun to pedthal absurd notion that a nuclear armed iran would stabilize the middle east. yeah, right. that is like saying al-qaeda would usher in a era of peace. >> his estimates come from public records. all of this comes as the obama administration has been trying to find ways to keep them from using force to stop the program. virginia was the focus for both campaigns today. republican presidential candidate mitt romney appeared in the washington, d.c. suburb of springfield. he said the rate of economic growth in the united states is
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1/4 of russia. president obama campaigned in virginia beach. they released a plan based on a new economic patriotism. it could create 1 million manufacturing jobs and increase education jobs. a new plan to keep financially troubled city college of san francisco from closing. why some say the proposals go too far. >> the regular referees are back, we will have reaction from fans and why some say the damage from the lock out can't be reversed.
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iyoyoyomññóóç [ laughter ] [ girl ] wow. you guys have it easy. i wish i had u-verse when i was your age. in my day, we didn't have these fancy wireless receivers.
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blah, blah, blah. if i had a sleepover, i couldn't just move the tv into the playroom. no, we had to watch movies in the den because that's where the tv outlet was. and if dad was snoring on the couch, we muscled through it. is she for real? your generation has it made. [ male announcer ] the wireless receiver. only from at&t u-verse. get a free wireless receiver with a qualifying u-verse plan. rethink possible. . complete bay area news coverage continues right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at
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5:00 p.m. >> thousands of students that sunday city college of san francisco -- hundreds of classes have been cut. tonight administrators will unveil their plan to keep the college open and it calls for drastic changes. ktvu's rob roth has more. >> reporter: the city college of san francisco board of trustees will meet in an hour. what they will hear is a blueprint for digging out of a financial hole that is threatening their survival. >> reporter: city college of san francisco students are feeling the pinch. 700 classes cut this year. >> i cannot get the classes i wanted earlier this year. there is a high demand. >> reporter: city college of san francisco must make more changes or risk losing its accreditation. >> the future of city college of san francisco is at stake.
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>> reporter: among the proposals is to close the church street campus that houses night classes and reduce teachers, counselors and clerical workers. he is worried about what might happen. >> i am concerned about not having a job. >> there is a great concern about stability and fewer teachers and fewer teachers to do the work of the whole college. the proposals come after a report in july which found numerous deficiencies. >> people are working hard to comply with the report. >> reporter: the college is considering focusing more on students seeking degrees or transferring to four year schools. that could mean fewer enrichment classes. >> i love the fact they can take culinary classes to get
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jobs in our restaurant, computer science classes. >> reporter: city college of san francisco has till october 15 to submit an action plan aimed at turning around city college of san francisco. reporting live, rob roth, ktvu channel 2 news. california's community college system is getting a new leader. the next chancellor. he spent 16 years of chancellor. california community colleges make up the nations' largest public system. joseph naso has been granted extra time to prepare for his murder trial. joseph naso is defending himself against four counts of murder in the 1970ss and 1990s. a judge granted him aquarial delay -- a trial delay after he requested it. it was set to begin in november
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but the judge pushed jury selection to january 14. a school student is facing disciplinary action for bringing a air soft pist tool school. -- pistol to school. he threatened to hurt anyone who reported him. officials say they notified his parents and looking in to consequences. the regular refs are back on the field tonight after they reached a deal yesterday to the end lock out. today the nfl commissioner roger goodel said he was thrilled and he apologized to fans. >> what is most difficult about it is you have the two parties but you have parties outside the room that get impacted by it, starting with the fans. and we are sorry to bring them through that. >> roger goodel insisted the timing was not a reaction to
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the outcry over monday night's game. that call has become emblematic of the lock out. one calls it social networking on steroids. ktvu's lorraine blanco is live with more. >> reporter: fans can buy tickets knowing they will see a game with experienced officials. the white house said it is a great day in america but some think this damage may be more lasting. >> reporter: some may never stop fighting about whether this was a touchdown or interception monday night. roger goodel said that is the beauty of sports. >> it was bad on monday night. horrible. >> what happened monday night was embarrassing and there is no way, you can't reverse that.
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the replacement refs are now out of work. they reached a 8 year agreement, ending the lock out. complain on sports shows and the public out-- complaints on sports shows and public outcry -- >> puts public opinion on steroids. no one was talking about union or labor, they were talking about a game and sport. at the end of the day, what the fans did gave anference the union. -- importance to the union. >> reporter: he leaves they lost their integrity. >> the fact the commissioner is nickel and diming with the officials is unthinkable. the gap involves salary
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and benefits totaling $3 million. that is a third of 1% of the nfl total revenue. lorraine blanco, ktvu channel 2 news. the national hockey league canceled the rest of the games. this would have been the first day of pre-season games. when the sharks play, businesses make a lot of money. >> it is terrible. we, you know, san jose is a big shark fan country. businesses suffer. i have a friend who said this is where i make all my money. >> no games mean no work. student power, the cause that had students at university of california at berkeley protesting on campus today. >> first it was soda, now the next item new york may try to put a ban on. lots of prepaid cards
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come pre-filled with problems. enough is enough. introducing the chase liquid reloadable card.
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with chase liquid, there's no waiting and no fee to activate you can load cash and checks at any chase depositfriendly atm and there are no withdrawal fees at over 17,500 chase atms all for one flat fee of $4.95 per month. get rid of prepaid problems. get chase liquid. happening now, leaders and residents of a oakland neighborhood are gathering to take a stand against street violence. this is a picture here in the san antonio neighborhood. they will be marching through a four block route to celebrate community pride and make a call for peace. mayor jean quan is
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participating in the march. it is expected to end with a dinner and a celebration. at 6:00 p.m. a rally is planned in san jose. the one crime people are noticing a spike in that is behind the gathering. university of california at berkeley students aare helping layoff -- are helping layoffed custodians with a student protest. >> they organized a rally today to bring attention to the layoff. the buildings they are assigned to is being demolished. the university is trying to to find other positions for them. >> they are trying to find a new job for them on campus. >> they didn't try to do anything. so the union is fourthing for us -- is fighting for us. >> they are following a job
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application procedure that applies to everyone on campus. >> hospitals may be forced to stop selling junk food. the mayor of new york has started the ban. the mayor wants to make cafeteria and vending machine items healthier as well. they already voted to ban the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16-ounces. a message delivered. what brought a woman to the nation's capital today and why her arrest could be considered a successful trip. >> back here in a few minutes, the fog is minimized that coast and he could see heat advisories, i will show you where coming up.
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a woman from oakland was arrested today in front of the headquarters of fannie mae in washington, d.c. they want changes in the way the government is handling the mortgage crisis. >> reporter: dozens of people from around the country gathered out front of fannie
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mae demanding affordable housing. >> we sit outside homeless. we need our homes more than they need them more. >> reporter: the entire group moved out on to the street. they sat down, stopping traffic. >> everybody wants the safety and the security of knowing tonight this is my home and tomorrow night it is my home. >> we believe they are not negotiating with families. not working with families. >> reporter: after several warnings the handcuffs came out. the grooups have raised enough money to bail these 5 -- groups have raised enough money to bail these five women out of jail. but it looks like their protest works and their arrests weren't in vein. fannie mae agreed to look into
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some of the cases. ktvu channel 2 news. the u.s. postal service will default on a payment due to the treasure this sunday. it is the second default in two months. it could have gone into the funded for future retirees. workers called for a reform of how the service is funded. health officials say it is time to get your flu shot. there are two new strains circling the globe. last year the shot didn't cover the two new strains. a new york state man is in critical condition after contracting west nile virus. it is not clear if he got it locally. officials notified people in his town about what happened. the centers for disease control says across the country this has been one of the worst years
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on record for west nile. crews plan to spray for mosquitos tonight in brentwood. it is the 7th time they spraid in the past six month. the area is south of loan tree bay, it begins at sunset till 11:00 p.m. tonight. at 6:00 p.m., getting the upper hand of west nile virus. what one community is doing to stop it from spreading. curiosity made a discovery on the red planet. scientists say it found signs a stream once flowed on the planet. it wasn't far from where it landed. the size and the shapes of the rocks indicate the water was fast moving and deep. this confirms indication that there was water on mars. >> remarkable. weather now, beautiful day today and the weekend is around
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the corner. >> it is close. for a lot of you, friday is around the corner and the weekend behind that. it will be hot this weekend. you will notice the heat, heat advisory in the valley sunday and monday. those are the hottest days. outside we go. fog. that fog is minimized, below the golden gate bridge, and twin peaks. not getting in yet. there will be a shallow marine layer tonight. the headline is warmer weekend forecast. warmest temperatures we have seen all year in the inland bay valleys. fire danger is the main concern. it is almost october. heat and low humidity, not looking for powerful winds. powerful winds are the most damaging. the winds don't look like they will materialize. there will be heat and low humidities and that is always a
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concern. sunday, mondayb the warmest days. hot -- hands the warmest days. hot -- sunday and monday the warmest days. hot. the high sets up around oregon and the winds pump up off shore and temperatures go up. that is what we are looking at. this high right now won't create 40-50 miles per hour winds which is good. mark tamayo will be here, rosemary orozco as well. the weather and the heat is the story. i will be back at 10:00 p.m. with the latest computer models. right now, we will be fine. 88 in pittsburg. 92 antioch and brentwood for friday. saturday and sunday, add 5 degrees to those. mid-90s, upper 90s, low 100s sunday and monday.
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highs on the peninsula, 77 menlow park. dense coastal fog. great highway, drizzle out of that too. making travel slow. we will be watching. this is nothing unusual. i don't expect record heat. but it will be hot and dry. >> families and sports, we should plan for it. >> absolutely. yeah. take water. sunday, monday the warmest days. >> thank you. the opportunity of a life time, the big weekend concerts kids are getting prepared for and the rock stars who will be there to watch it. have you heard of the new dialing procedure
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for the 408 and 669 area codes? no, what is it? starting october 20, 2012, if you have a 408 or 669 number, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number for all calls. o.k., but what if i have an 408 number and i'm calling a 408 number? you'll still need to dial 1 plus the area code plus the phone number. so when in doubt, dial it out!
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trouble on the roads right now on the peninsula. highway 92, state route 35. a viewer tweeted this picture. she has been sitting in traffic for an hour. a big rig over turned three hours ago and it is still not cleared up. it will take around half our or so. a banking report was released showing billions of dollars were collected in over draft fees. over draft fee revenue
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increased to 21.5 -- $31.5 million. the fee rose from $29. this weekend a group of young san francisco musicians will get a chance of a life time to take the stage with a real rock star. [ music playing ] >> today students musicians were jamming in preparation for a concert saturday at facebook's headquarters. it is to mark the 10th 95 of little kids rock -- 10th anniversary of little kids rock. 8 students from visitation valley will perform i got a feeling with tabu from the black-eyed peas. >> they are really special kids and i think -- i feel like they understand this hard work they put into their music is paying off. >> the teacher credits the kids
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rock program for donating a lot of instruments to the school. this weekend's concert is expected to include special guestinizecluding -- guests including sammy hagar. taking ownership of a home to recoup the cost of stabilizing the hills around it. they had to clean up mud last winder. that cost the city $12,000 and they anticipate further efforts before this winter could cost $250,000. a show of strength taking shape. coming up, the neighborhood that is stepping out against crime and prostitution. >> west nile virus is increasingly difficult to fight, the reason why and a look at how bad the outbreak is this year.
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introducing the chase liquid reloadable card. with chase liquid, there's no waiting and no fee to activate you can load cash and checks at any chase depositfriendly atm and there are no withdrawal fees at over 17,500 chase atms
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all for one flat fee of $4.95 per month. get rid of prepaid problems. get chase liquid. complete bay area news coverage starts right now, this is ktvu channel 2 news at 6:00
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p.m. hello. i am frank somerville. >> and i am julie haener. >> happening right now, people gathered in oakland. a live picture. they are gathering to curve crime in their community. live pictures on channel 2. this is being called a peace march. they are gathering for this event in the san antonio district. you can see parents, and teachers are there with local business owners, church leaders, children there. they are supposed to gather because they are going to walk with children. mayor jean quan is expected to attend along with police police officers and firefighters. you are looking at a live picture from oakland here of a peace much to curve crime. -- march to curve crime. a show of strength against
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prostitution. ktvu's robert handa is live in san jose with the action happening. robert? >> reporter: we are south of downtown as you can see next to me. organizers are gathering for a rally and a march that will start in a half hour, to bring attention to a surge in prostitution. >> reporter: there are 2 elementary schools a youth center and a library here, people are worried the community is turning into what they have seen happen in other cities, prostitution. >> we have had enough. we are seeing the ladies just walking up and down south first street, practically wearing nothing, especially when we are taking our kids to and from school. we don't feel safe. >> reporter: some say prostitutes are aggressive. >> depends if they are under the influence. >> reporter: he ns


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